zichi Lorentz
Zichi Lorentz.
Visual Artist.Commentator-Publisher.
Liverpool UK (1952-1971).
London UK (1971-1994).
Japan (1994-).
Present location:Tatsuno City. Hyogo.
Moved from Kobe City at the end of 2018.
My Paintings
My painting galleries are divided according to theme, like abstract. flowers, landscapes, seascapes.
Painting Notes
Just some basic notes about my paintings and the different themes.
Quick Links
SITE UPDATE September 2024
Buddhist Paintings
Japanese Buddhist Nichiren Daishonin
Nichiren (16 February 1222 – 13 October 1282) was a Japanese Buddhist priest and philosopher of the Kamakura period.
I have been a follower of Nichiren Daishonin for more than 40 years. Previously in the 1990's I made six large Watercolors on the Life Of Nichiren which were part of a major exhibition in Japan. I received an award for the works.
In June 2023 I started a new painting of Nichiren Daishonin and his ten major writings. The work took until June 2024 to complete because of the need of a deep study of each major works. Many of them are extensive.
The painting is acrylic on wood and measures 145 cm x 112 cm
Major Writings of Nichiren Daishonin
Here they are listed in chronological order of when they were written.
1. On Establishing the Correct Teaching for the Peace of the Land (WND1, 6-32)
2. On Reciting the Daimoku of the Lotus Sutra (WND2, 211-238)
3. The Opening of the Eyes (WND1, 220-298)
4. The Object of Devotion for Observing the Mind (WND1, 354-382)
5. Choosing the Heart of the Lotus Sutra (WND2, 481-494)
6. The Selection of the Time (WND1, 538-594)
7. On Repaying Debts of Gratitude (WND1, 690-745)
8. Letter to Shimoyama (WND2, 684-718)
9. On the Four Stages of Faith and Five Stages of Practice (WND1, 783-793)
10. Questions and Answers on the Object of the Devotion (WND2, 787-801)
Buddhist Paintings
Lotus Sutra and the Seven Parables
In June 2024 after the completion of the Nichiren painting I started one on the Lotus Sutra and the Seven Parables. The time scale was shorter and was completed by August
The Lotus Sutra (Saddharma Puṇḍarīka Sūtra) is one of the most important and influential scriptures in Mahayana Buddhism. It emphasizes the universal potential for enlightenment and the unity of all Buddhist teachings.
The Lotus Sutra is celebrated for its optimistic message that everyone can attain Buddhahood and for its emphasis on compassion, wisdom, and skillful means. It has profoundly influenced Buddhist traditions, particularly in East Asia, where it is central to schools like Nichiren Buddhism and Tendai.
The painting is acrylic on wood and measures 145 cm x 112 cm
Seven Parables of the Lotus Sutra
1. Parable of a Blazing House.
2. Parable of the Father and His Lost Son.
3. Parable of the Medicinal Herbs.
4. Parable of the Imaginary City.
5. Parable of the Jewel in the Robe.
6. Parable of the Precious Pearl in the Topknot.
7. Parable of the Skillful Doctor.
zichi Lorentz Artist & Painter
Some thoughts on that
I had to spend time looking for a new house which was achieved at the end of 2018. Then I discovered I had prostate cancer which occupied all of my time until I had an operation in Feb 2020. Removed by robot op and now cancer free. The recovery period took time. The world was then hit by the Corona virus and I had to remain in doors because of my weak immune system. Started painting again by mid May 2020. Several health issues remain and I'm working on them. Since painting again, I have completed about 100 watercolors and acrylic paintings, of various sizes.
March 2023: Continuing to recover from my cancer and painting most days.
New Paintings
New paintings from the end of last year, (2022) and the beginning of this year (2023)
SITE UPDATE March 2022
I have been unable to hold an exhibition since the start of the Covid pandemic. Last year was postponed. Now I will hold an exhibition in a local sea port museum which was a former house and is now a museum. The exhibition will have 65 paintings, watercolors and acrylics.
EXHIBITION: April 23, 2022 to May 29, 2022.

Art is a Journey, not a Destination
During the exhibition I will hold a children's painting workshop on May 1, 2022.
- Exhibition Flyer(Japanese and English Pages)
- Exhibition Paintings
- Murotsu Sea Port Museum Exhibition
- pdf Exhibition
- Exhibition YouTube
Slideshows of my watercolors and acrylics, since moving to Tatsuno. 2020-2022

Dawn After Dark
Tatusno City, and Murotsu Sea Port, Hyogo
Murotsu, Tatsuno City, Hyogo Prefecture, is a port town with a history of about 1300 years that has prospered since ancient times.
"Muro (Tsu)" is included in "Kawajiri / Owada / Uozumi / Kara / Muro", which was set by Gyoki Bosatsu in the Nara period.
In the "Harima Koku Fudoki" compiled in the Nara period, "Muro no Tomari" is written, and it has prospered as a good port since ancient times.
It is said to have been the most prosperous in the Edo period, and it also prospered as a post town.
Many literary masters and artists visited and produced many works.
Currently, oyster farming is popular as a fishing village.
Kamo Shrine, which has many important cultural properties, is located in Murotsu.
There are many stone monuments that show historic sites.
Murotsu Sea Port (Japanese)
Footage of Tatsuno City

Winter Always Turns To Spring
Art Web
This is my art web. For 50 years I've been a painter, and at times, other things too. I live in Japan, at least since 1994, quite a long time. I love living here, for many reasons but certainly one is because my wife is Japanese. These days I work in acrylics and watercolors, which I love. But I also think I'm more than just a painter. I hope you'll find something of interest. Since people are usually in a rush these days you can jump straight into my painting links, and then explore the rest of my site if you wish..
I have had a web presence since 1994, and 26 years on the internet is equal to several lifetimes. In the beginning, the websites were very limited and crude but it was a very exciting time to become involved in that evolutional aspect of the world wide web, as if, some magical child had been born.

Night Always Turns To Dawn
Art is a Journey not a Destination
Some thoughts on that
With my art I try to bring hope where there is none, to bring happiness when there is only darkness, to replace nihilism with faith in humanity. As we plead for democratic ideals all over the world, we need to remember that the most convincing proof of the fruit of democracy can be found in our own museums, concert halls, and arts curriculum. An exchange of art and culture between countries leads to a greater understanding between nations creating a more peaceful world. Does that sound too much? Ah! well.
For further info, you can check out the links in the right column, like Introduction.....

Sunset Yacht
Some info